Still Howling
phosphor bronze and enamel
life size,
”The work is a comment on the situation in the USA where the new Republican government had changed the law to allow the hunting of wolf pups along with their adult parents along side the 'hunting' of hibernating bears.
It is a start contrast to the positive role that the wolves have in Yellow Stone Park where the re introduction of wolves had helped improve the natural environment after years of destruction and change brought about by the imbalance of too many deer. It has caused what is called a trophic cascade - less deer, more young trees and vegetation, more smaller animals, therefore more birds, river returns to its natural course etc etc. It’s a stark juxtaposition, the positive and the negative. With Trump still in power, I feel much of the world is howling together.” Lucy Bucknall
Lucy Bucknall has a BFA (Hons) from Bath Academy of Art, UK. Apprentice to sculptor Sean Crampton, foundry worker, gallery manager, art teacher, curator and professional artist. Citizen of NZ since 1998. Exhibits regularly at Sculpture on Shore, Sculpture on the Gulf, Waiheke Island Gallery and Headlands Sculpture on the Gulf, Brick Bay Vineyard Matakana, Auckland Botanical Gardens, Shapeshifter Wellington, Art by the Sea, Devonport, Artis Gallery Parnell, Artform Matakana, ArtBay Queenstown, Art Industry Clevedon. Permanent public works at Arylies Gardens, Whitford and Lower Hutt Hospital, Wellington